Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thank you for your Service -Veteran's Day Thankfulness

Today (and each and every day) I give my deepest thanks and gratitude to all those who serve to protect us. These men and women give of themselves and sacrifice so much so that we can be free.  They go without their warm beds, good food, family, friends, loved ones.  They go without a kiss or hug goodnight, a walk with their favorite doggie, they go without everything that is near and dear to their heart so that we can be safe in our warm beds, eating our good food, being with our family, friends and loved ones. My daughter was so young the day she walked through the gates of the United States Naval Academy. At that exact moment she said goodbye to her childhood and took an oath to defend our country.
Her Grandpa who served in the United States Navy Seabees was there to personally give the oath.

I was moved to tears when I saw my father-in-law in his dress uniform alongside my daughter. So much love.  So much emotion. So much gratitude. There are no adequate words to express the depths of my feelings that day.
Four Years Later, My father-in-law was there to give my daughter her first salute.
I could barely take the picture as the tears rolled down my face.

The two of them LOVE swapping military stories and will talk for hours and hours. "Hey Abigail, Did I ever tell you the time when I....." 
Mr. Yesteryear Acres and I know so much more about his Dad than we ever did.  He is an amazing man.
And this little boy......
Who is now this tall boy
Can't wait for the day when he will serve.
From my family to yours and to all military families everywhere
Happy Veteran's Day
Thank you for your Service

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