Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Midnight Banana Pancakes

To say that Mr. Yesteryear Acres and I have been a bit busy lately would be an understatement.  We have been burning the midnight oil and then some!  We have missed dinners, haven't had much sleep and have been busy caring for our beautiful new doodle babies.  In the past 4 days, the only dinner we had was the one our younger daughter so thoughtfully prepared for us on Saturday night. That was a delicious treat!  Last night at 11:55pm Mr. Yesteryear Acres and I had to choose between going to sleep or making dinner.  It was a really tough choice as we were both exhausted AND starving.  We decided we really needed something to eat so the pancake battle began!
The cook off.....
Mr. Yesteryear Acres plain boring vanilla pancakes vs. my exciting banana pancakes

Mr. Yesteryear Acres thinks he will take the win
But wait...are those fresh bananas in the pancake batter?  Why yes they are!

Oh the smell of fresh baked bananas.....mmmmmmmmm 
Even though we know I won, we will just agree we are both winners.  Midnight Banana Pancakes and Vanilla Pancakes for two!

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