Sunday, February 16, 2025

Little Tiny Mouse at the Y Acres Studio

 Our super soft Y Acres Studio Bunnies have been a big hit. Never have we seen more loved bunnies!  William really likes bunnies but his favorite animals are monkeys and little tiny mice. I haven't quite figured out how to draft a pattern for a monkey yet but I was determined to make a mouse for William.
Every little mouse needs cute pink ears!
These two should be just right
I decided on a nice grey mouse for William
William loves very long tails so this mouse has an extra long tail
Can't wait to give it to William!
Happy Sunday from Y Acres Studio

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Caturday Sweetness

 Our little Devon Rex Kittens are bringing so much sweetness to our Caturday.
Such a sweet little face!!!
Kitten snuggles
Hi there little cutie pie!
Happy Caturday Sweetness from the Yesteryear Acres Devon Rex Kittens

Friday, February 14, 2025

Happy Valentines Day

 Our Yesteryear Acres Valentines give the very best Valentine's Day Cards!
Happy Valentine's NEIGH!
To me......You're PURRfect
Wrapped up in love
I love you MEOWY much
Best Friends Forever Valentines
I love you a bunch!
Happy Valentines Day from Yesteryear Acres!!!

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Brightened Our Day

 The predicted snowstorm went just south of us so instead of beautiful snow.....we have had 2 rainy days in a row. Our yard is sooooooo muddy.  Our Doodle Doggies are brown doodles!  Thankfully our muddy day has been brightened as we received a few pictures of Yesteryear Acres Doodles enjoying their snow day.
Buddy and Oakley enjoying a picture perfect snowfall
Bentley loves playing snow frisbee!
We are so glad to see doodles having SNOW much fun.
Thank you for the brightening our day!!!

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Birthday Doodle

 Braxton Doodle is dropping in to let us know it is his 12th birthday and he is having a blast!!!!
His PAWrents sent this adorable birthday collage of Braxton.
They said he is the bestest boy!!!!
Happy Birthday Braxton!
We love your pictures so much!!!!!
Hope you have a tail wagging great celebration!!!

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Birthday Gift

 Today is Abigail's Birthday!
When Abigail was younger, she devoted all her time to being the very best student and athlete. When Abigail graduated from high school, she devoted every single day of her college years to the United States Naval Academy. After graduation, she spent every day of every week of every year in service to the United States Marine Corps. After rising to the rank of Captain in the Marine Corps, Abigail left the Marines and began her life as a mom. Little did she know that all those many years of devoted service would merely be the precursor to her daily life now. As many of you know, Abigail's son William has the highest level of autism.  He is non-verbal, lacks motor skill proficiency, has trouble eating and swallowing, doesn't like any clothing except for "Little Sleepies" soft pajamas and requires constant care around the clock. Abigail tirelessly spends every minute of every hour of every day devoted to her son William. 
She fills her days with the Gift of Devotion.
She gives William sledding adventures
She gives William stories that are read with just the right sound effects to make them the very best stores he ever heard
She gives William hugs just the way he likes it
She gives William homeschool days with alphabet pajama bottoms
She gives William the opportunity to enjoy snowy "walks" by pulling him along in his adaptive sled
She gives William time every day to share his deep love of animals 
She gives William the opportunity to experience outings at eye level
She gives William help walking and playing outdoors
She gives William the best matching pajama giggles
She gives William "cakes" made of homemade whipped cream
She gives William the ability to always be with his service dog
She gives William the opportunity to learn on his own level
And most of all....she gives William the chance to be William every day
Happy Birthday Abigail
Our birthday wish for you
is for you to see 
your endless gifts through our eyes
and know we are so proud of your unwavering devotion
and that you bring light and happiness and love to us all

Monday, February 10, 2025

Bodhi and Wheatley

We received an awesome PUPdate from Bodhi and Wheatley
Bodhi and Wheatley get to see each other often as their families are best friends.  Their moms say that they are the fluffiest most loving doodles ever and super smart.  They are at the top of their classes in obedience.
They just love their Doodles so much and their favorite time of the day is morning snuggle time.
Here are both Bodhi and Wheatley with their buddy Berkeley (age 11) and all 3 Doodles are bestest of friends!
Thanks for the PUPdate! We love them!!!!
Happy Monday from 3 loving doodle friends!

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Brown Bunny Studio Sunday

 Hazel found our stash of super soft lux fabric and grabbed this gorgeous tricolor brown and said "Brown Bunny Grandma"
And like the best Grandma in the world she is, she got to work in the Yacres Studio
The perfect bunny ears- Hazel's favorite part to cuddle and snuggle
Can't forget the cute pink inner ear!
When grandma fussy cut the fabric so perfectly so brown bunny could have a brown nose!
And voila!
Brown bunny with a pink pom pom tail is complete!
Made with lots of love... and
Just in time for Nap Time!
The last words before her nap to me were, "Mommy, Brown Bunny Grandma Made it" and then sleeeeeeep.
Happy Brown Bunny Grandma Made It Studio Sunday <3

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Caturdays are for...

Caturdays are for showing our love and appreciation for our sweet Yesteryear Acres Devon Rex family members
From snuggle sessions
Kitty cat feasts
Warm hugs
Shoulder rides
To PURRfect photo shoots
We are completely devoted to our wonderful Devons
Happy Caturday <3

Friday, February 7, 2025

Leaps Fri-Yay

 William has been learning LEAPS with his Mama schooling!
He is learning to spell
Science projects- William has done this epic crystal experiment and learned about...
Capillary action, 
Evaporation, and...
 William can identify numbers 1-15 and can count all his stuffed animals (1-15) with his tablet!
He has learned to draw all THREE writing precursors- Horizontal lines, vertical lines, and circles. This is an exceptionally big win for William and his motor skills.
Best of all William's whole school day is filled with everything he loves and everything he needs.
We are so proud of you William! And your Amazing Mama too!
Happy Leaps Fri-Yay!