Monday, June 30, 2014

End of June

Here we are at the very LAST day of June! What?!  How did that happen?  1/3 of the summer is gone just like that?  I am not sure how time exponentially increases in speed each year but I am pretty sure that the month of May was just yesterday!  Nutmeg's puppies say differently........... See how we have grown?
We LOVE playing outside

Recess time is just the very best time of all 

What game are we going to play today?

We are ready!

First we have to stretch

Now we are ready for our calisthenics

Gymnastics time!  See my cartwheel trick?
Jumping Jacks


Square Dancing....Bow to your partner

That was sooooo much fun!

Wait....we want to do it again!!!!!!
Happy Monday!!!!!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Does this count as Making the Bed?

Yesterday morning my daughter was up and out the door EARLY.  She wanted to get her exercise workout done before the oppressive heat sank in for the day. I was moving just a bit slower and stayed behind. When she came back from her run, she yelled upstairs to see what I was doing.  I answered that I was making my bed. She came upstairs and evidently now has proof that I was in fact NOT in the process of making my bed......
Grits says, "Can I help you?"

"ummmm isn't this how everyone makes their bed?"

"It is sooooo hard to get going in the morning!"

"Just a little more cuddle time"

"Please hit the Snooze Button"
"ahhhhh just right!"

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Just a little chocolate sprinkle

Nutmeg has one little chocolate boy in her litter.  He was just a little thing when he was born and continues to be just a little chocolate sprinkle of a puppy.  He is the happiest, perkiest, outgoing, friendliest little puppy.  He loves everyone and everything.  He is my daughter's favorite puppy IN THE WHOLE WORLD!  She tells me this every day. She also asks me if she can keep him every single day.  The answer is no - you cannot keep him. We have plenty of doodle happiness here. Mr. Chocolate Sprinkle is available and ready for his new home starting July 11th.  The puppy mobile will be traveling to Maryland on July 13th....if anyone is interested.
Here is Mr. Chocolate Sprinkle
Yes, I know....he is soooooo cute!

And is always willing to pose for the camera

I think my daughter might have 987,456,932 pictures of him

Because he is just so adorable

And he gives good kisses

Mr. Chocolate Sprinkle says....

"Will you be mine?"

Cause everybody loves chocolate!

Even little tiny chocolate sprinkles!

Please let me know if you would like Mr. Chocolate Sprinkle to be part of your family because.......

My daughter is becoming much better at hiding him in her room!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Does this Count as Exercise?

I was super busy all day and finally had a few minutes to get my daily exercise walk in.  My daughter accompanied me as did a few doodle doggies.  We just started really getting in the groove when out of the corner of my eye, I saw perfectly ripe black raspberries. The bushes were loaded with them.  I picked a few and oh my goodness! Heavenly!  They were perfect for eating.  My daughter wanted to continue on our walk when I popped a black raspberry in her mouth and then suddenly all thoughts of journeying on ceased.  She joined me in picking the berries. Did we save any for Mr. Yesteryear Acres? No.  Did we save any to make a pie? No.  Did a single solitary black raspberry make it back home? No.  We ate them all.  We went from bush to bush picking every single black ripe raspberry and ate them all.  On our way back home, I asked my daughter if our walk counted for exercise.  She said NO.  She said, "MOM, we clearly walked to get a snack!"  I guess we are now going back out to actually walk.....unless of course I missed a black raspberry or two!  Looks like dessert time to me!!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Maple Double Doodle Babies!

Our sweet Double Doodle babies are here!!!!!  Maple and Waffles are the proud parents of 6 new Double Doodle puppies.  We have 2 girls and 4 boys and Mommy Maple and her puppies are doing great!

See how adorable???

2 Little Girls

and 4 Little Boys

So Snuggly Cute

Double Doodle Love!!!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Just Add Doodles and Music!

So now that I am done with my internship and I'm back to working here at Yesteryear Acres, I was told that today was clean-the-house-day. I don't know of anyone who likes to clean and vacuum the house. That being said I am a firm believer of life is what you make it. So what can you do to make cleaning the house fun? It's actually quite simple! Just add some doodle helpers and music and voila insta-fun! I did NOT anticipate the level of enjoyment I would get out of todays work when I did this. It started out as a simple act of adding music, one can only clean in silence for so long without going insane. However that seemingly simple act turned out into a never ending concert with my doodle back up dancers (and occasionally singers, I NEVER said I was a good singer...). They liked the way I was singing and running around the room dusting and picking up. They were very helpful in running along with me and wagging their tails in clear approval for every song choice with dedications to them of course. Once I started vacuuming we played the guess-which-part-of-the-song-it's-on-and-then-belt-it-as-loud-as-you-can-over-the-vacuuming-to-see-if-it-matches game. Oh the doodles loved that game! As for the rest of the household... maybe not so much. At one point I saw a kitty doodle make a run for it after swatting at my vacuum cleaner. And then that turned into a whole new game of get-the-vacuum. This is Scooter's favorite game ever! He runs close enough to the vacuum without ever touching it, whilst wagging his tail, growling, and barking. He will literally follow the vacuum through the whole room charging at it and then looking at you like he is the bravest doggie in the whole world and aren't I so lucky to have a big tough guy like him to protect me. See cleaning the house doesn't seem so bad anymore! But SHHHH don't tell my Mom I said that!


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Maybe Summer Isn't So Bad After All...

Without a doubt my favorite season is fall. I am absolutely enchanted by the whole ambiance that fall brings. I love the splashes of color on the trees that slowly seeps into rich vibrant hues. I love apple cider and carving pumpkins. I also really love the weather, perfect for long runs and hikes without feeling like you are going to melt into a puddle. The weather is also perfect for cozying up with a blanket, a doodle, and a book outside. I love the need for a fire outside for warmth and the way the color dances along with the tree tops. I could write about my love for fall and sweaters all day. However as I looked up into the sky last night, I realized there are things I love about summer too. I love how a million fireflies makes the trees look alive. Like Christmas lights and a carnival collided and decorated the world. I always feel like the saying "Christmas in July" should really reflect the twinkling show the fireflies so masterfully put on for us, as it reminds me of the sparkle of snow. I also love the heat lightning in the clouds. It lights up the clouds in the most magnificent purples I have ever seen. Although heat lightning means it is obviously really hot outside, I still appreciate its beauty. To me summer also means more family time. We seem to work twice as hard, but we are together. If I am working inside and I know my Dad and Brother are outside, I like to think of ways to surprise them. I will bring them popsicles or a fresh cup of lemonade, and the happiness that is found in a refreshing treat in the middle of the summer is like no other. I feel that appreciation and gratitude is found in greater amounts in summertime. In the winter you may get cold (okay really really cold, that last winter was a doozy), but adding blankets and huddling with doodles and friends is almost like a no brainer fix. I find it is similar to baking, easier to add things than take away. In the summer there are times where you just simply cannot take away enough to feel cool. So you are forced to think about other things that you appreciate and make you happy. Like a surprise glass of iced tea or the way the hay bends and ripples under the warm summer breeze. Last night as the storm started rolling in and I looked up to witness the great and terrible beauty big storms bring, I thought to myself... maybe summer isn't so bad after all.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Puppy Picture Monday!!

Howdy Y'all and happy puppy picture Monday! As I am sure I have mentioned before, puppy picture monday is my FAVORITE day while I am away at school. It gives me a glimpse of all the cutie doodles I am missing so much. I love watching them grow so much from Monday to Monday. Luckily I am home now for the summer so I get to play with them everyday! Here are Nutmeg's sweet doodle puppies! I like to think about what the puppies are saying in each picture...

 Haha! I see you have found a leaf... I am going to pounce on you for it!

 Pssst... Pssst! Hey!! Hey can I tell you a secret?....

 HAHAH GOTTCHA! Licked your ear!!

 Ummm excuse me... Uhh Mr. Austin?... I believe this is your towel. Please remember to keep the environment clean. Thanks buddy!

 Do you think this is my color? I do wonder if this will come in my size.

 Whoa Mr. Austin you are really tall! Do you think I could be as long as your leg some day?

 Or maybe I will settle for being as big as your shoe! 

Happy puppy picture Monday everyone! The website will be updated by Thursday! Have a great start to the week! WOOF! 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

I Am Feeling Like I Should Bake Cupcakes Today...

Sometimes my Mom likes to make subtle hints that she really wants me to bake something... Like today when she said, "You need to make red velvet cupcakes with homemade cream cheese frosting". See very subtle right?! So what could I possibly do except make the red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting? It was like the law. So I set to work shortly after our lunch break and made cupcakes. I am just a sucker for homemade cream cheese frosting so I of course made a double batch that way we can freeze some as well as dip fresh fruit in it. YUMMY! I am very happy to say that the cupcakes have turned out quite well and that this time I actually got to take pictures of the finished product before everything was eaten and BEFORE it appeared to everyone else that I only made 9 (hmmm chocolate cherry incident maybe?) So here are the finished deliciousness that was so very clearly FORCED on me to make today :)

 The first few were not frosted as well... but hey it all tastes the same right?

These on the other hand, started looking much better!

In my professional opinion... this one was the prettiest! SO NO ONE EAT IT!

See there are plenty of not so good looking ones to pick from first. Aren't I so thoughtful to make those on PURPOSE just for you to eat? :) 
(Hehehe see what I did there?)

Now let's see how long these last... I am about to announce they are finished in 3...2....1


Saturday, June 21, 2014

Best Ending to the Longest Day of the Year

In continuation of my guest blogger power, I am going to dedicate this blog to my brother Austin. Tonight he took us all out for ice cream cones! Now we do make our own ice cream here at Yesteryear Acres, but there is just something about a waffle cone filled with the thick chewy ice cream that just screams summer. My brother had us all pile into his truck, including his doodle Olive of course, and took us all to the local ice cream place. Every lick of ice cream and every nibble of waffle cone was pure perfection. I don't know when Austin thought of this idea, but I am giving him major props for thinking of the BESTEST way to finish the longest day of the year. Mother nature must have liked his idea as well and has ever so thoughtfully turned down the heat and humidity outside. It feels so absolutely lovely! So THANK YOU AUSTIN! You are the best brother ever (yes even when you are super annoying)! The ice cream was fantastic and now get ready to get your butt kicked in the charade/taboo game!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Game Night

 Hello and welcome to another blog written by me (Amelia) as guest blogger for the week! Last night after my parents had already gone to bed and the hours were dwindling down, I finally finished some of my important paperwork for the beginning of the end of my internship. I love all the kiddos I got to meet and work with over the past month and I am missing them already! My Brother and Bri were nice enough to keep me company as I finished paperwork. Little did I know they had an awesome plan to cheer me up! Bri has this app on her phone that is like taboo and charades all rolled into one brilliant game. You place the phone on your forehead so the screen is facing outwards and the timer starts. Then different words, actions, and categories come up that the other person has to act out or describe without saying what the screen is showing you. While all this is going on you are actually being filmed and you can watch what the guesser sees at the very end. OH MY GOODNESS! I was laughing so hard I was crying! We all took turns being the guesser while the other two acted out the clues. It was hilarious to see how much we all think alike for the same word. At one point Austin was the guesser and the category was animals. When dolphin came up Bri and I start screaming "IT'S MY FAVORITE ANIMAL!" To which we turned to each other and screamed, "WHAT MINE TOO!" and burst out laughing. Luckily my brother was able to get that one right away and flipped to the next clue. We had some really funny clues like churning butter, sky diving, speed skating, and playing chess. And Dad if you are reading this... I just want to assure you again that we DID NOT jump in the kitchen... I SWEAR! :) We played so many rounds and had so much fun we didn't even realize it had turned to one am! We couldn't believe we had played so long! It was such a fun impromptu night! That is one of the best things about living at Yesteryear Acres. You never know what the day might bring, but you always know that you can count on each other for a good time and some much needed laughs. Thanks guys, you are the best!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Doodle Welcome Home Routine

Hello again! This is Amelia reporting from Yesteryear Acres. I have to say that my favorite part of my work is coming home. As soon as I put my little finger on the door it is like a parade is happening inside. I can hear barks and whining and the loud whack of tails hitting against various objects inside. Who doesn't love to be greeted by a doodle parade!?! It is as if they were just waiting for me to get home so they can put on this elaborate production. First Blossom and Olive bark while Penny and Scooter run in between their legs. Then Grits is finally up off the floor (she's still in her awkward doggie phase where she cannot control her body all the way when she is excited and kind of trips over herself) and is running full steam ahead to come join in the excitement. Meanwhile my arms are full of all of my lesson supplies and I am trying to just get into the door. So I have to explain to them the importance of being patient and that delayed gratification is definitely the most rewarding as I put my stuff down on the table. Then for about 20 minutes I have to go around and around and around petting all the doodles evenly, usually accompanied by gentle reminders that sharing is caring and that they will all get a turn. I even get some kitty doodles in on the action! I just love all my animals!!! Once the overwhelmingness of me walking through the door has died down (they really think I am THAT awesome) the doodles like to help me unpack my car. They like to run back and forth from my car to the door for each trip like they are racing to see who is the most helpful. I really know what they are doing though... see they are "helping" me because they want the reward at the end. Which is when I finally have a second to myself and get a glass of ice water. And to a doodle ice is the BEST THING EVER!! Man can they get that ice to slide around our kitchen! They also like to munch on it and make little snowflakes on the ground. I find it so funny! However I can't say that that is my Mom's favorite part of the day... But who can deny the cuteness of a doodle!?! I mean after all... I only come home once a day! :)

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

They Aren't Like Puppies at All!

Hello everyone! This is Amelia from Yesteryear Acres! I am so excited to be the guest blogger for the week. As I am pretty sure my Mom mentioned in a previous blog, I am working with a non-profit company this summer as a Nutrition and Physical Activity Educator intern. So I get to teach kids K-8th grade about nutrition and also play some fun PE games with them. With all my nutrition lessons I am also required to make a snack. Now in theory this doesn't seem bad at all. I am very used to filling doggie food bags and assembling doggie care kits, so I figured it would feel about the same. Make all the stuff and voila insta-happy doodles. However if one person has to make 90 snacks and those snacks require multiple steps... such as veggie wraps I made last night with cream cheese, avocado, diced bell peppers, turkey slices, and spinach on a whole wheat tortilla... well that's a lot of time (especially with the cling wrap that sticks to everything except for what I want it to). Luckily I had wonderful helpers! Bri and I assembled and wrapped each tortilla while my mom and brother organized and stored them in the refrigerator. All I can say is WHOA that was a TON of work. Now imagine being so happy and proud of the 90 veggie wraps you made and walking into a group of kids and handing out said snacks only to hear them start screaming "EWWWWWWWWWW!!"....... I was shocked! I was not greeted with my accustomed wagging tails of delight. There was no happy barks and looks of OH-MY-GOODNESS-IS-THIS-FOR-ME!!?!?! They were not like puppies at all! I had to super talk up the food and explain how each ingredient was integral for a strong body and mind. I mean I had to really coax them into taking a bite! JUST ONE BITE!! There was no running and tripping over each other to reach the food first or reorganizing to make sure everyone got their fair share... I felt like an opposite dog... A dog begging, but for people to eat! Once they finally tried it a majority actually really liked it and asked for the recipe! I have to say a doodle doggie has never done that. I really hope the 90 fruit and yogurt cups Bri and I just finished go over much more smoothly tomorrow morning! Or else I am going to have to bring in some doodles so the kids and learn how to "come-an-get-it" the right way... wagging tails and all!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Take it Away

Tomorrow my younger daughter will be delighting us with her writings and ponderings about life here at Yesteryear Acres.  Every now and then, she takes the helm and writes our daily blog. I love when she does this so much.  It is nice for me to take a small break from thinking about "What Shall I Write Today?" and even nicer when I get to read her take on life here.  I like having a glimpse into what she thinks about our days and her reflections on Yesteryear Acres. Usually we have the exact same thoughts and ideas which results in me saying, "I would have written that too!"  Last night at dinner my son decided that he may fill in as the guest blogger from time to time as well. He kept coming up with different blog topics and how he would write the timeline of events here.  Mostly his blog ideas revolved around his faithful doggie, Olive, and her antics.  Yesterday morning Olive didn't want to get out of bed and my son said that would be a most excellent blog. I let  him know that whenever he wanted, he was welcome to write an Olive blog of the day.  For now, my sweet daughter will be doing all the blog writings for the following week. I can't wait to read all about us!

Monday, June 16, 2014

We just want a sunbath

Nutmeg's puppies took their first venture outside. They weren't quite sure what to do with all the tickly green grass but they sure loved the warm sunshine.
We carried all the puppies outside and then

Mr. Yesteryear Acres lined the puppies up for their group photo shoot

and then the puppies just stayed there

and stayed there
The chocolate pups decided to be really adventurous and moved a whole 6 inches

and then decided that was too far away

Mr. Yesteryear Acres.....we just want to take a sunbath

Just right!!!!
Happy Monday!