Thursday, October 17, 2024

October Super Moon

Mr. Yesteryear Acres called on his way home from running errands last night and told us all to run outside and look at the moon. And oh man was he right! The moon was HUGE!
Mr. Y Acres big moon driving buddy!
It was the October Super Moon!
I am so glad we got to watch it rise over Yesteryear Acres
Hello Moon!!
What a SUPER way to end the day!

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Wait Jack Frost!

 Last night we had our first frost warning of the season. Jack Frost was on the way!! With some veggies still in the garden, Mr. Yesteryear Acres rushed back to the garden and began picking in the rain. Wait Jack Frost! Don't come just yet!!!
We still have fresh Rosemary
And Thyme
This bundle is ready to make some homemade soup!
A few precious delicious tomatoes
There is a good chance this whole bunch of garden goodness was eaten right after its picture was taken...
And Beets!
Buckets and buckets of beets! Hazel says she wants 'That one'
And one full basket of peppers and eggplant
I'm thinking a roasted pepper and tomato eggplant soup is in our future!
Please wait Jack Frost! We still have our garden to eat!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Ruby's Rainbow Collar

 Ruby's curly caramel boy from her last litter emailed us to say hi.  He was the cutie with the rainbow collar. He heard his mommy Ruby was expecting again and he was thinking he might like to be a big brother.
Here is little rainbow collar when he was a baby
And on the day he was ready to meet his new mama
My new mama named me Murphy!
And here is Murphy today!
Murphy is crossing his paws for a little sibling
Stay tuned for the puppy news
Maybe there will be a little rainbow collar puppy just for you!

Monday, October 14, 2024

Puppy Watch

 Miss Ruby Lou will soon be welcoming her sweet Double Doodle Puppies into the world.  We are eagerly awaiting their arrival!
Time for a little mama exercise
Don't forget the back scratch!
Would you like a mini game of fetch?
You got it!
That's my girl!
Are you excited for your babies to get here Ruby?
Heck yes!!!!
We can't wait to meet those little ones!!!!!
Happy Monday from Ruby Lou!

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Back in the Y Acres Studio

We finally are ready to get back to the Y Acres Studio. We have a long list of quilt orders that must get done and we are anxious to get busy.  We have cat quilts, dog quilts, puppy quilts, Christmas quilts and memory quilts to do! 
First up is a kitten quilt for one of Winnie's Devon Rex kittens
Her new mama is naming her kitten Jasmine
She selected these beautiful fabrics for her best friend
Let's do this!
The palette is wonderfully soft
It will be PURRfect
We can't wait to put this together!
Happy Sunday from the Y Acres Studio

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Cat Tree Cheerio Watching

 This Caturday morning the Devon Rex kittens were having a great time playing on the cat tree in the kitchen. 
Watching Hazel eat breakfast is their favorite way to start the day.
What's for breakfast?
Definitely looks like Cheerios
Think she will drop a few for us?
We are waiting
Oh my gosh!  I think it is happening
The next one will be mine!
Happy Caturday!

Friday, October 11, 2024

Foliage FriYAY

 Now that mid-October is upon us, it seemed like a good time to go check the Autumn Foliage development.  Our beautiful fall colors are a bit behind their normal transition but we managed to find some lovely glimpses of Fall.
Autumn landscaping perfection
I just love all the colors!
Hello pink pumpkin
This color palette is awesome!!!
Looking for hints of fall
This grove of trees always produce the most brilliant colors
Looks like we still have a few weeks before our Fall Peak hits
We will enjoy every day
watching Mother Nature reveal her tapestry of colors!!!
Happy Foliage FriYAY!

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Chestnuts Roasting

 Mr. Yesteryear Acres has been waiting forever for his little chestnut tree to grow and mature.  This is the year!  Chestnuts are happening!!!!
I spy with my little eye.....chestnuts!
These spiny finger pricking hazardous nuts are ready to harvest
Let's get them!
Mr. Yesteryear Acres first chestnut harvest
While we don't have an open fire - we can still roast them!
Hot and Ready
Time to shell
Perfectly roasted
I don't have any more pictures to share because Mr. Yesteryear Acres ate every single one piping hot from the oven!
He said they were the best he has ever had.
Happy Chestnut Harvest Thursday!