My typing accuracy and speed will be reduced by quite a bit the next few days. Earlier this week I had a sewing incident where I got my finger stuck in the sewing machine while attaching a very important bunny ear. The ear came out perfectly. My finger....well let's say not as much.
Last night I managed to take out yet another finger on my left hand.
I was preparing the very last of our precious garden potatoes. Mr. Yesteryear Acres potatoes are SOOOOOO good. It is a crime not to use every last potato. Well these potatoes were the ones that were pushed to the side and were the super ugly "I don't want to use them" potatoes. Determined not to waste any precious potato pieces, I started peeling and paring the remaining potatoes. I am guessing that it is not hard to figure out what comes next. A potato flew out of my hands during an aggressive act of peeling, and while the potato escaped being peeled, my finger did not. Yes, I literally peeled off a nice sized chunk of my finger. I would love to say this is the very first time I sliced off part of my finger, but sadly I am practiced in this art. Last year the same finger suffered the fate of a rotary blade in the studio. I guess this finger will now be my SUPER skinny digit. I am hopeful it starts to heal soon. Of course I just threw out the piece of my finger along with the potato peels, bandaged my finger as best I could and went back to making dinner.
By the way
The potatoes were delicious
Best "Fingerling" Potatoes to date!!!