Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Too Young

My sweet sweet Hazel is almost 15 months old! She is becoming an excellent little listener and is helping out around Yesteryear Acres so much. She just makes my heart smile constantly! Today I needed to discard some of my sourdough starter so I could "feed" it to keep it going. I thought this was a wonderful time to try and do some 'Mommy and Me' baking.
We decided on a "healthy" cookie and selected our Oatmeal Molasses recipe to see if it would be any different if we added sourdough into the mixture.
Hazel at the ready!
One cup of sugar
An excellent pour
Me to me: "Oh this is going to be GREAT! Baking with toddlers is the best idea I have ever had! Who doesn't love sensory play and cookies?"
 Adds in the molasses... Also Me: "Oh I could see how this could become problematic" 
Me: "Okay Hazel, lets sprinkle in the cloves! Put in..."
Hazel:....."Uh ohhh"
It's okay! It's okay! Mommy can clean it... Let's try adding in the ginger with a measuring spoon
Me: Okay back on track! We are totally making cookies!
Just some flour and the oats to mix in!
Hazel do you want to pour the oats?
"Oh no oh no oh nooooo"
"Sweep sweep sweep"
I think my little baker just might be TOO Young to make cookies with Mama all the way
Thankfully she isn't too young to try our cookies!
Some for Hazel
And some for Mama
Sourdough Oatmeal Molasses Cookies made with a lot of love and a lot of messes!

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