Friday, February 28, 2025


 Today has been a not very good frustrating unproductive Friday. Our tax filing deadline date is March 17th and I have been diligently working on our business taxes.  Today I was supposed to spend the day inputting data.  That was my goal. When I opened my business tax software it said ERROR. I spent three hours trying to fix it on my own and then another 2 hours with tech support and here I am at hour five with NO resolution.  None. The software will NOT open.  I was given two choices - buy a new computer or wipe my old computer completely of every file, every program...everything and start over.
At least I have unconditional love and support.
I guess you can't ask for more than that!
Here's to my UN FriYAY

Thursday, February 27, 2025

PAWfect Testing Ground

Frasier is learning SO much at Camp Always Amelia! He is being a PAWfect student and does all his lessons with Tail Wagging Devotion. One of the areas Frasier's PAWrents asked for more training with is leaving little kid toys alone and only playing with his appropriate toys. 
Hazel says, "Don't worry! I am an excellent testing ground"
Nothing says pick me up more than a squealing toddler over pink pretend cupcakes!
Frasier is doing so well with his new command "Leave It"
He got up only to look closer and give Hazel a smooch
And then laid back down! WITHOUT me holding the leash for corrections!
We are so proud of Frasier! Can't wait to see what Hazel Tests he will pass next!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Mud Season

 While we are so grateful to be out of the single digit temperatures- the rain isn't quite as welcome. Our snow and ice are quickly melting leaving behind a beautiful sea of brown.  Brown mud.  Everywhere.  
Keeper says, "I have a great idea ... Lets hang out inside today!"
How will your Doodle get through mud season?!!!
Hope everyone stays dry.
Happy Wednesday!!!

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Welcome To Camp Always Amelia!

We are so excited to have Frasier staying with us! He is one of Ruby's double doodle boys and Hazel is beyond thrilled to have another puppy to train.
All first days at camp must come with a complimentary breakfast
"Here you go Frasier. Don't forget... It's Pretend"

Frasier is such a good gentle boy with Hazel
Don't forget the cupcakes! "Blue and Yellow for Frasier"
"ANNND Pink!"
"Good boy!"
After all the baking it was time for Hazel's nap and a nice long walk
Time to get those imaginary calories out of our system and lots of good boy manners in!
Welcome to Camp Always Amelia Frasier!
We are so happy to have you.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Jump In

 It's MONDAY! 
We have a very full busy week ahead of us and there is only way to greet this week.....
By jumping right in!!!!!!
Thank you London Doodle for the Monday Motivation.
We will hop right to it!
Happy Monday!

Sunday, February 23, 2025


Our Y Acres Studio Super Soft Bunny and Mouse collection have been so fun to make. I love showing the finished products to everyone. I have to say the least enthusiastic response I received was from Colton.  Colton is very much into land management and equipment.  Show him a skid steer and it is the best day ever. I asked Colton if there was any animal I could make for him.  His response was 'WALLLLLLLLLLLLLrus!!!" Colton and I always have so much fun saying WALLLLLLLLLLLrus together it has become his favorite animal. So it was up to me to draft a walrus pattern. This was one tough assignment!!!!! I spent one entire morning sketching walrus patterns until my wastebasket was full.  Then finally I drew one that was worth trying.
Body and head pattern pieces
Walrus Face
The tusks were tricky!
Walrus head!
Flipper feet attached
Ta Da!!!  One super soft walrus lovey blanket!!!!!
Sniff sniff.  This is the highest compliment I could ever receive.
WALLLLLLLrus is part of the construction crew!!!!
Happy Walrus Day 
From Y Acres Studio

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Little Blue Point Trio

 Happy Caturday from our Blue Point Devon Rex Kittens
These tiny little cuties
are filling our Caturday with so much joy
They are the sweetest bunch
Our Little Blue Point Trio
Hope you have a PURRfect Caturday!

Friday, February 21, 2025

Fri-YAY Cuties

What makes every Friday a Fri-Yay?
PAWfectly adorable PUPdates of course!
Matching collar and sweater cutie
PURRfectly content cuties
And I Love you BEARY much cutie!
Happy Fri-Yay!
 Keep those PUPdates coming our way <3

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Happy Birthday Kirby!!

 Kirby is one of Ruby's sweet Double Doodle puppies and he is celebrating his First birthday!!! He is a beautiful loving boy and has the very best FURever family. I can't believe he is already a ONE year old! It feels like just the other day he was at Camp Always Amelia learning all his good boy manners.  He was the best little Doodle Camper!!!
Happy Birthday sweet Kirby!!
Thank you for the adorable PUPdate!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Snow or Sand

 In the midst of this very cold winter.....
How are your Doodle Doggies enjoying their winter days?
Snow Doodles
or Sand Doodles!?!!!!
Which Doodle do you have?
Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Hearts Forever

 We received so many cute Valentine's cards last Friday! 
It warmed our hearts to see so many adorable Doodle Doggies and Devon Rex Kittens enjoying their holiday.  Thank you for the cards!
Valentine's Day is so much more than the reputed romantic holiday.
 Valentine's Day is love
Love from Devons
Love from Doodles
Love from "I am sure this Cookie Cake has no calories on Valentines Day"
We hope your holiday was full of love and joy
Happy Hearts Forever Tuesday!!!!

Monday, February 17, 2025

From Brown to White

Yesterday morning we awoke to the most torrential rainstorm.  It had rained all night and our entire backyard looked like a gigantic brown muddy mess. I was feeling as though we would never venture out again when the weather pattern immediately turned and suddenly we were in the midst of a snowstorm.  Huge snowflakes came down covering everything in minutes.
Ahhhhhh that's so much better!!!!
Our brown yard is white once again!
Time to go make some snowmen!
Happy White Monday!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Little Tiny Mouse at the Y Acres Studio

 Our super soft Y Acres Studio Bunnies have been a big hit. Never have we seen more loved bunnies!  William really likes bunnies but his favorite animals are monkeys and little tiny mice. I haven't quite figured out how to draft a pattern for a monkey yet but I was determined to make a mouse for William.
Every little mouse needs cute pink ears!
These two should be just right
I decided on a nice grey mouse for William
William loves very long tails so this mouse has an extra long tail
Can't wait to give it to William!
Happy Sunday from Y Acres Studio

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Caturday Sweetness

 Our little Devon Rex Kittens are bringing so much sweetness to our Caturday.
Such a sweet little face!!!
Kitten snuggles
Hi there little cutie pie!
Happy Caturday Sweetness from the Yesteryear Acres Devon Rex Kittens

Friday, February 14, 2025

Happy Valentines Day

 Our Yesteryear Acres Valentines give the very best Valentine's Day Cards!
Happy Valentine's NEIGH!
To me......You're PURRfect
Wrapped up in love
I love you MEOWY much
Best Friends Forever Valentines
I love you a bunch!
Happy Valentines Day from Yesteryear Acres!!!