Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Make the Time

 Mr. Yesteryear Acres and I turned around and the next thing we knew - it was midway through October. Did we accomplish our New Year's Resolution to make the time to take a break?  No.  Not really. We had a goal this year to enjoy a cup of coffee by the dock once a week.  We haven't had a single cup of coffee by the dock the entire year.  We made a resolution to color, do puzzles, take walks together, play games, sit by the dock, and just make space for fun.  We haven't done those things.  We are REALLY REALLY good at working.  We are good at working from sun up to way past sun down every single day.  We don't take weekends off.  We really don't take any time off at all. Of course we totally love our life and love everything we do and are incredibly grateful for each and every day but we wanted to make the time to relax once in a while. Life goes by quickly.  
We wanted to try to stop and grab a piece of it as it flies by. 
Tonight we resolved (again) to make the time.
Mr. Yesteryear Acres texted to come on back to the pond
He had campfire night ready!
We enjoyed Amelia's Garden Roasted Tomato Bisque for dinner
And S'mores for dessert!
I guess is never too late to work on New Year's Resolutions
Make the time 

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