Wednesday, October 26, 2022

The Growing Tails of Ruby Lou: Getting Ready for Howl-oween

 The leaves are changing colors almost as fast as they are falling! 
Ruby Lou says that this means HOWL-oween is just around the corner!
With spooky skies and a colorful carpet of leaves, Miss Ruby Lou was absolutely right!
In fact, it was time for her to pick out her Halloween costume!
"What do you think? Do I make a good doodle vampire bat?"
"I Vant to eat your treaaaaats"
"Nooo, too spooky!" 
"How about this purple spider? I like her googly eyes"
What about this one Ruby? It as a cute bat AND a spider with silly eyes!
Now we are ready for Spooky Season Fun!
Happy HOWL-oween from Ruby Lou!!

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