Saturday, December 3, 2022

On the Catwalk Caturday

 When I say Devon Rex kittens do not like to be left out of family activities, I mean they do NOT like to be left out at all!  When we vacuum, a Devon is with us.  When we load the dishwasher, a Devon is with us.  When we switch laundry loads, a Devon is with us.  They hang out like shoulder monkeys all day long.  Last night Bella decided no one should ever walk alone....
Excuse me.  Are you trying to use the treadmill?
How DARE you think of walking alone!!!!
Take me with you on your adventure!
We can tell everyone that I modeled
on the CATWALK!!!!
Silly Devons.
Sure.  Let's walk together.  
Happy Caturday!

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