Thursday, December 6, 2018

Errand Made Fun

Today I had to leave Yesteryear Acres to go take my car in for a much needed recall service repair. The service department for the recall work is over an hour away and I was really dreading the morning because I would just have to sit in the waiting room and wait until the repair work was done before heading back home.  I woke up with dread because I really hate this type of errand.  Then the happiest thing son said if I stopped by to pick him up, he would go with me!  Instead of a day spent by myself at a car place, I got to spend the day talking with my son and the time just flew by!  When the mechanic announced my car was finished, my son and I both looked at each other in surprise. We had no idea that much time elapsed.  It was definitely the best car repair time I ever had. When I returned home
Happy faces greeted me to say
that they were glad that my car was repaired.
Now that is a good errand day!

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