Sunday, September 13, 2020

Happy Birthday Merlin!

Yesterday was my sweet kitten doodle Merlin's 1st birthday!! I cannot believe that I have already had this little ball of energy for one year! 
From the moment Ernie McDoodle picked you out and brought you to me...
And you climbed on my back, just like my past kitty cat Hemingway used to do
I knew you were family
And you have been keeping us on our toes ever since!
To my sweet kitten that would be dog
I love your adventurous spirit 
And how brave you are
The way you play with our sweet doodle puppies
But most of all, I love your kitty cat cuddles!
Exploring so much in a day requires really good naps
You never pass up a moment to cuddle with your brother Ernie
I always have room on my lap for you
It is hard work being a Kitty Doodle!
Happy Birthday Merlin Kitten!
Here is to more adventures!
We love you so much!



1 comment:

  1. Awwwww! Your Doodle kitties are adorable too! So very sweet!


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