Wednesday, February 16, 2022

It's the Snow Moon!

Last night I was letting the doodle doggies outside and I was greeted by the biggest moon ever! I even said to the dogs, "WOAH!!! Do you see the moon tonight!?" They didn't know exactly what I was talking about, but like loving doodles, they sat down and gazed in the general direction I was pointing. After a lot of moon gazing, I decided to see if there was anything extra special about last night's moon, and it turns out there was!  
 It was a very special Snow Moon!
The Snow Moon is the bright full moon in the month of February
It looked extra cool with the plane flying over the moon!
It was so bright it looked like the sun!
Tonight should be the Snow Moon at its peak, and it will even have some surrounding planets in view too!
Don't forget to look up tonight when you are taking out your furry best friends! 
It's the Snow Moon!!

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