It is no secret that I, Amelia, love animals very very much. Creatures big and small just mean everything to me! I am madly passionate about ALL the animals! Around last September I started cutting pork out of my diet. I just love piggies too much to eat them! (Small tangent - I want a pet pig one day named Pepper Pig... or Parsley Pig!) Slowly not eating pork turned into not eating big cuts of red meat, which turned into no beef, which then turned into no seafood, etc etc. Last month on April 13th I realized I was a vegetarian! Since I had my "AHA!"moment of not wanting to eat anything that can smile back at me, I have had a blast finding and cooking up all new veggie recipes! It turns out, cutting all the meat out of my diet is actually making me feel better too! I have Hypothyroidism and I have always struggled with feeling lethargic even with my medication. I swear this is the most energy, most happy, and most alive I have ever felt!! Who knew I needed to be powered by plants!?!? Yesterday I celebrated my official One Month Vegetarian Anniversary- my Veggiversary if you will. To honor my new lifestyle choice, here are some of my favorite recipes I have tried so far! My family has been the best and are loving all my plant based dishes too!
From Cauliflower "Steaks"
To brown rice root veggie power bowls
Epic Salads with crunchy chickpeas, pumpkin seeds, and peppers
Fresh ginger with toasted sesame seeds and veggie quinoa stir fry
Cauliflower buffalo "chicken" wings (This one made my mouth WATER the whole time I was eating it. I am not going to lie, I was sad I had to share!)
Fresh homemade almond milk! I even saved the almond pulp, dried it in the oven, and made homemade almond flour! (I'm not sure what to do with that yet, but hey zero waste!)
Hot homemade butter naan
My sister even made a vegetarian Thai Peanut bowl for me!!
And to celebrate yesterday, I made a Moroccan chickpea salad with fresh mint I picked from my herb garden :)
Happy Veggiversary to me!!
Here is to feeling healthy and happy!
(Plus Ernie McDoodle doesn't mind all the extra carrots either)
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