Sunday, August 7, 2022

Please Don't Ask Me to Wrap

 I have been working on a new bag idea for Y Acres Studio
but had to stop mid-project because I needed to wrap a present for Bri's Baby Shower.  Do I happily spend hours in the studio drafting patterns, making bags, quilting and creating? YES! Would I happily spend five minutes wrapping a present? NO!  I hate wrapping gifts.  I mean actually hate it.  I can spend an inordinate amount of time making sure my patterns line up on my fabric when sewing but ask me to cut a piece of wrapping paper the appropriate size for a gift - FORGET IT.  I am a horrible gift wrapper and dislike the chore immensely.  So there I was.  Faced with wrapping two baby books.  Two small baby board books.  What could I do to stop the impending wrapping doom?  Make a baby board book bag of course!!!!
Look at the adorable Fisher Price Fabric!
Perfect for a toddler book bag!
Baby Shower Gift READY!
Looks like I already have a few requests for more board book bags!
Happy Y Acres Studio
No Wrapping Required

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