Sunday, May 31, 2020

A Needed Break

Olive says with all the hurt and anger and sadness in our world right now
We need a little peace
So take a big deep breath....
and enjoy this much needed break
courtesy of Yesteryear Acres

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Love You Deerly

It is baby deer time at Yesteryear Acres!  The Mama Deer are busy having their fawns!!! Yesterday we had 3 mamas deliver their babies and today we came upon a fourth baby fawn. 
Fawn #1
We have to be careful with our steps! 
Fawn #2
There will be no mowing for the next week 
Fawn #3
We love you DEERly!
Staying put until it is strong enough to walk 
Gone to join Mama!
We are grateful the deer love Yesteryear Acres! 
So sweet!!!!!!
Mother Nature is amazing 
Thank you for making Yesteryear Acres your home

Friday, May 29, 2020

Dog Gone Good

The Memorial Day holiday has our "What's New" Tuesday YA Studio update a few days behind but we have been busy little sewing bees!
We are still making face masks 
You can choose from custom made face masks
or quick ship! 
We have also been busy quilting 
This one is headed to Oregon 
And new fabrics are arriving weekly! 
Ernie says, "This is some Dog Gone Good Fabric!"
No bones about it! 
Amelia's heart IS paved with pawprints!
Ernie can't wait to have matching scrunchies and bandanas with Amelia!
Stay tuned for more YA Studio news next week!
(hint.......It will be a real "Trunk" show!) 

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Sun Up to Sun Down

Yesteryear Acres is my favorite place in all the world.  It is a haven of happiness and beauty. Everyday I am grateful to call it home.
Our daily walks to the pond always bring a smile 
It is a beautiful sight all day long. 
And then as night falls 
Nature's masterpiece begins. 
And once again our hearts are filled with smiles.
Yesteryear Acres at sunset 
No place better for a Doodle..... 
or a Doodle's best friend 
Thankful for the country life  
From sun up to sun down

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

It's a Jungle Out There

With all this rain, we weren't quite able to get the grass mowed on time
Oh look!
We are going on a jungle adventure!!!
How will we find our way?
This jungle sure is tall!
I think I can find a way out!
Just kidding!  Here I am!
I am not eating the jungle......
He was totally eating it
Jungles are nice and cool

They make me kind of.....
Only one thing can make this day better
Follow me
Come on guys
Snuggle time with Mr. Yesteryear Acres!!!!!
Thanks for our jungle fun!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

A Bushel of Cuteness!

Apples Labradoodle puppies are so adorable! 
They are a bushel of cuteness!!!!
Bet you can't pick your favorite!!!
We are all just too cute!
Double Stack 
Triple Stack! 
Red Caramel, Apricot, Caramel 
What's your favorite kind of apple?
Our favorite apples are the snuggly kind!!

Happy Tuesday!