Friday, April 23, 2021

Baking Cookies with Baby William

 I am so happy that my sister and her little family have moved back home! What's even better is that we are neighbors! The other day I walked up the hill to Abigail's house and picked up William- or rather stole him- so she could have a little 'Me' time (let's be honest, it is hard to shower and take care of yourself when you are a new mom, and she really really needed a shower, if just for my sake hahahah). William and I then set on a great adventure to my house and it was time to make cookies!! Together we made Peanut Butter Banana Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies :)

William fell asleep to the sound of the kitchen mixer
He is truly the best baking assistant. He even likes my Frozen 1 &2 Soundtracks playing in the background
Mmmm, someone likes the smell of cookies baking in the oven!
Ta-Da!!! Our first batch of cookies together! 
I hope we start a new tradition of baking at Aunt Amelia's House :)



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