Dare I say it.... but today was almost COLD outside!
So when an August day feels like the end of September, there is only one thing to do...
To the Yesteryear Acres Garden we go!
Did either of our respected children sleep last night? No... no they did not. Could my Sister and I have had an all night ice cream party by the time they decided to sleep... yes, yes we could have. But even when you are functioning on 2.5 hours of sleep, there is farm livin to do! So SMILE to keep from yawning (and maybe a tear or two) and onward we go
For there is okra to be picked!
Veggies to be processed
Zucchini bread to be made
And Kale with...
Fresh cherry tomatoes over pasta to be eaten!

First round of Picking done!
Time to use our 'Mom Muscles' for all this produce!
Now that's Farm Livin' Mom Style!
Ready for round two!
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