Wednesday, February 8, 2023

The Growing Tails of Ruby Lou: Wellness Wednesday

 Sometimes you have to do something really yucky to do something great down the road. Yesterday Mrs. Yesteryear Acres got her second dose of her Shingles vaccine- which means she feels QUITE under the weather this evening. Luckily there is no better nursemaid around than Miss Ruby Lou!
Hiiiiiiii! Happy Wellness Wednesday!
I am here to help you feel better
Here is my bone! I know that will help your fever!
After all that's what doodle doggies do best!
I might not know what Shingles are.... but I am glad you won't get them now!
Us too Ruby Lou! 
We are proud of you for feeling yucky today so you won't get Shingles tomorrow!
Feel better Mrs. Yesteryear Acres!

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