Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Adventures of Mille Doodle

This week I have the pleasure of working with Millie! She is a 6 month old puppy from Nutmeg's past litter of double doodles. This week Millie's mission was to remember her manners and to stop eating everything in sight! So far she is doing wonderfully! We have gone on big walks, manner leash sessions, as well as some snuggling in between. She is SUCH a sweetheart and is really starting to catch on quickly. Some doodles are just SO smart that they know what they can get away with. Millie is adjusting to being my second shadow as we have gone back to tethering. I keep her with me everywhere I go. It helps me correct her not so desirable traits, AKA "CAN I EAT THIS? OR THIS??? NO WAIT...THIS???? every time. It also helps her learn that she in fact is NOT the doodle in command as she thought she was. As of today- day 3 of training- Millie is excelling at 'just being'. I have her sit with me and be in a down-stay. Not every second of every day does she have to be up and wandering about eating things. I like her to sit WITH me and learn how to just be a doodle. Millie is definitely getting a gold star! That is a hard one for doggies to learn. I am so proud of her already!!!!
From our first walk to the pond
She was ready to learn!
Her first big day lead to a much needed big night's sleep!

Look Amelia! I am only WATCHING 

I am even better on walks now!
Millie helped me find 2 deer antlers that were shed

What a good girl!!
And for anyone who is curious... This is currently my sleeping arrangements for this week (plus 2 cats too camera shy to be pictured here)

I can't wait for our adventure to continue Millie!



Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Marmalade Cuties

Marmalade's Double Doodle puppies are enjoying the nice weather this week
Looks like a good day to play!
Um... excuse me.  This grass is still muddy 
I think I will hang out on the blanket
I don't want to get my paws muddy 
Me neither
I am going for it 
Just look at him go
It is pretty squishy
I think we should stick to the soft blanket in the sun
Mr. Yesteryear Acres left his hat here
A perfect place for a nice nap
Look at me!  I am helping Mr. Yesteryear Acres clean the yard!
Picking up sticks
I am the best helper!
Muddy yard work is a lot of fun!

Monday, February 26, 2018

Blue Monday Adventures

Blue's Double Doodle Puppies are enjoying their afternoon adventures outside
What will we do today? 
Let's find Mr. Yesteryear Acres 
He brought us new toys to play with 
I like the red squeaker doggie toy
Can't wait for my turn 
Let's make it squeak again 
I did it! 
I like this one the best! 
I can carry it with me 
You take the ball, I will get this doggie's ear  
I like this game
Got it! 
I don't want to share 
Me neither  
Mr. Yesteryear Acres says we have to share!  
Okay.... here you go 
You can play with both toys 
Sharing is caring!
Happy Blue Monday!

Sunday, February 25, 2018

The "Morel" of the Story

This past Christmas, Mr. Yesteryear Acres had planned on taking some morels out of the freezer that he had saved and having them with our Christmas dinner. Well Christmas came and went and Mr. Yesteryear Acres forgot about his treasured morels until a few weeks ago.  He has been waiting for just the right occasion to eat the last of our morels. Last night Mr. Yesteryear Acres decided it was time.
The very last of the delicious bounty! 
We prepared a little caramelized sweet onion 
Homemade pie dough 
The Mouthwatering Filling 
Fresh Cream and Eggs 
And Voila!  Quiche a la Morel!
Mr. Yesteryear Acres decided it was the perfect pie for two!
The "Morel" of the story.....
Wait until all the kids are gone for the weekend before eating the last of the morels! Mmmm Mmmmm GONE!