Saturday, February 18, 2017

Back to the Living

Mr. Yesteryear Acres and I sure did get hit with just about the worst bug ever! Whatever it was, it definitely didn't want to leave!  I am the one that brought the virus home and then I shared it with Mr. Yesteryear Acres.  It took me over a week before I could admit I needed to see a Doctor.  Neither Mr. Yesteryear Acres nor I have been sick in years.  I can't even remember the last time I had to go in for a sick visit.  I really thought I could beat this thing, but I just couldn't.  By the time I finally dragged myself to the doctor's office, my lungs were already compromised and I was pretty sick.  I was put on antibiotics and when the first course ran out, I was still pretty sick. Turns out I was allergic to the first antibiotic so not only did it not make me any better, I was sicker than the first time I went in! I was given new antibiotics, steroids, prescription strength decongestant/expectorant and an inhaler.  I don't do that well on medication so my new prescription mixture hit me pretty hard.  I don't think I was able to sleep for over a week and it is still hard for me to get more than a few hours of shut-eye.  The doctor said I had to live with all the side effects so it has been a little rough trying to feel better.  Mr. Yesteryear Acres was just about the same as I was so we are really thankful that our daughter Amelia was here to help us out from morning until night!  Our son and Bri pitched in every weekend and with all that care - Mr. Yesteryear Acres and I are finally feeling much better!  I even made it to the store today!  We are back to the living! Even though Mr. Yesteryear Acres and I were really feeling under the weather - the Doodle Doggies and Doodle Puppies all had a great time.  We might have spent several days miserable on the couch but the doggies had a blast!
"Who wants to go for a walk?"

"WE DO!" 
Life is always filled with tail wagging devotion at Yesteryear Acres!

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