Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Birthday Magic

August is full of celebrations here at Yesteryear Acres and I would be remiss if I didn't say a big Happy Birthday to Mrs. Yesteryear Acres! That is right! Today is my Mom's birthday!!! I am so lucky to finally be home to celebrate with her. In the past I have either been at work or school... and this year my work happens to be where my Mom is! I started out the day by making her favorite breakfast coffee cake before we took a walk with the doodle doggies. The weather was most cooperative today and provided the best walk in August in the history of birthdays. After the farm chores I then made 2 different cakes, because who should have to choose on their birthday!?! I made her favorite double chocolate cake with double chocolate frosting AND a homemade chocolate zucchini cake with peanut butter icing with the zucchini coming fresh out of the garden! Because WHY NOT WHEN IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!?!? We then spent the rest of our day working side by side adding a little birthday magic to all our tasks. Thank you so much for sharing your birthday with me Mom! I am sooooo happy I was here all day with you on your special day!
To the best Mom in the world
May all your days be as happy and vibrant as you!

Happy Birthday Mom!!!



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