Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Snuggle Pile

Grits Double Doodle puppies are making me so proud!  They are doing such a great job with housebreaking and are the best little listeners.  
Mr. Yesteryear Acres says it is potty time!
"Let's make him proud!" 
4 little puppies all going potty

5 little puppies all going potty!

Synchronized potty time is the best! 
Mr. Yesteryear Acres said we were good puppies!
"I love when he says that!" 
"Now that we are done, what should we do?" 
"Maybe we can find Bri" 
"I think I see her!" 
"Come on guys!"
"Found you!"
"Can we have snuggle time?"
"She said Yes!"
We love snuggle time 
and belly rubs!
and kisses!
A kiss for you and... 
and you and you and you
Hey Bri - Guess what time it is........ 
Snuggle Pile time!  
Let's squish Bri! 
and eat her hair! 
See?  She loves it! 
Yes puppies....I love Snuggle pile time
Olive says, "Is there room for one more?" 
The more the merrier! 
Right Bri?
Here's a kiss and......
a tickle! 
Afternoons like this are the best 
All for one
and one for all

Thanks for the snuggle time 
Happy Tuesday!


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