Saturday, September 10, 2011

Oh! It is a DOG Umbrella!

The day's events didn't exactly go as planned. But of course - not having things go as planned is pretty normal around here! We seldom have things go just as we envisioned and we are okay with that.  Raising puppies means - puppies come first - everything else takes a back seat. I had high hopes to get several flats of raspberries picked this morning but alas, that was not to be. Instead we all worked here at Yesteryear Acres getting some much needed projects finished.  Roxy's puppies REALLY wanted to help us work outside.  Once we let them outside with us it was clear that "helping" us meant winding in and out of our feet and sitting exactly where we needed to put something down.  Kind of like toddlers.  They have an uncanny knack for being exactly where you would like them not to be.  Of course they are ridiculously cute - so who can blame them for trying to help?  Mr. Yesteryear Acres and my son built a nice little playpen for them so they could see us working and still "help" with our projects.  I remember when I thought the beautiful green sun umbrella was for me.  I remember when I thought it would just live on our dock and I would sit under it and read away the hours. Guess I remembered wrong.  Who loves the big sun umbrella most of all?  Yep.  The puppies!
Oh! I see! It is a DOG Umbrella!

They really love their new umbrella. They said it was just what they always wanted.  It is even their favorite color. They thanked Mr. Yesteryear Acres for their new thoughtful present.

Thank you Mr. Yesteryear Acres!!!!
We are SO glad we could help you today!!!! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This dog umbrellas looks pretty good and will protect your dog. I was searching for a similar style dog umbrella. Finally got it thanks to your articles.

  3. Nice informative post.. I was looking out for some dog umbrellas for my pet when i came across your post.. thanks for sharing this article. Keep posting similar stuff.


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