Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Take a Moment

With my son away at school, the workload here at Yesteryear Acres has really piled up.  We have so much to do to get ready for the cold winter weather and there is no end in sight.  My son helped out so much around here.  His presence is missed in many ways.  We were lucky enough to have his girlfriend Bri here all summer long and she worked hard as well so when they both took off for college, Mr. Yesteryear Acres and I were faced with all the work ... .... all... by... ourselves.  We are doing pretty well with the new routine but we have noticed that we are 100% busy all day long and we don't stop to sit down until after 10:00pm every night. Last night we decided to take a moment. Just to appreciate and breathe and enjoy.  I walked out to the field to give my horses a big hug.
The sun was starting to set and I took a moment to look at the fading colors of the sky 
Buckwheat was glad to see me 
She gives the best hugs

Willow didn't want me to forget her

A big hug from my horses, a nice deep breath, a beautiful setting sun....
and then back to work, refreshed and ready.  Take a moment.  Appreciate the day. All the little moments add up to one big happy life.

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