Sunday, December 26, 2010

Twas the Day after Christmas

Twas the day after Christmas and all through the house.....not a creature was stirring, not even ... the 3 kids, the mom, the dad, the kitty cat, the dogs or all the puppies. For the first time in I don't even know how long, everyone here at Yesteryear Acres slept in. 7am came and went and not a creature stirred. Mr. Yesteryear Acres was of course the first one up, but even he slept in until almost 8am. It was heavenly. Christmas morning arrived quite early yesterday and everyone was up and in coveralls and out the door by 6am to start the farm chores. I was up doing all the puppy chores and cleaning dishes before sunrise. We always care for all the animals before we even think of looking at our stockings or opening our presents. This morning however, pure blissful sleep. I slowly woke up this morning, all comfy in my brand new soft Christmas pajamas and looked outside to see beautiful white snowflakes falling from the sky. It was so lovely out with everything glistening with the fresh snowfall. It reminded me of the Christmas Story movie when the little boy looks out on Christmas morning and the world is all white and sparkly. It just felt like Christmas all over again. Our plan this morning on the never ending "to do list" was to just relax. And so we did. We sat around and talked and laughed and had a great time just enjoying one another's company. I got so much pleasure out of watching my 3 kids laugh with one another. The house was full of happiness and love. There isn't a better way in all the world to spend the day after Christmas than to just sit around the table in our pajamas talking about all the things we loved about Christmas. The afternoon didn't really move any faster. We worked some here and there but our pace was incredibly slow moving. Mr. Yesteryear Acres was, as always, working the hardest, but even he took time to just be. To do nothing and just enjoy the moment. It was lovely. The hectic pace of the holiday season left as quickly as it arrived and now comes the part of the holiday season I love almost as much as the anticipation building to Christmas Day. The time to relax, to enjoy, to rest, to laugh, to take time to enjoy the beauty of the season. Tonight we are going to watch a movie, have some popcorn and put our feet up with a lap full of snuggly puppies and just enjoy the evening. Ahhhh. Holiday happiness. Tis the season to be jolly. I couldn't agree more.

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