Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Permanent Member of Yesteryear Acres

It's Official!!!!!  Our dearest Amelia has moved right down the street from Yesteryear Acres into her own "Yesteryear" house. Amelia purchased her very own house built in 1900 on 2 beautiful acres. We are now only a 2 minute drive from one another!!!!! Amelia is officially a permanent member of Yesteryear Acres and will be a part of all things Yesteryear Acres. We are so lucky to have her!!!
Amelia's new place
It was love at first sight!
With woods
and beautiful trees
to enjoy forever
Time to take down that "For Sale" sign!!!!!!
And start moving in!
Doodle Approved!
The Puppies are so happy to have Amelia close by
But I am happiest of all!!!!!!!!
My favorite neighbor.  
Yesteryear Acres Happiness!!!!!


  1. This is absolutely amazing and wonderful news!!! When children can help you in your passion (and their's) is perfect!!! Happy Happy Happy for you and Amelia :-)

    1. and . . . . . now, more than ever, I'm thinking we need to come visit (and meet Amelia) . . . . not necessarily for a dog, but to meet your daughter :-)


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