Friday, March 23, 2012

Hey! I heard that!

The little puppies can now hear as their little ears have opened up.  Now when we walk into the kitchen we get greeted with little tiny "barks" of appreciation.  They are getting bigger each day and it won't be too long before they start doing a little exploring.  They still mostly sleep and nurse but you can see little hints of puppyness in there.  I took all new pictures this morning.  You would think that it is very easy to get pictures of teeny tiny little puppies. You would never guess that I have to take over 300-400 pictures each week in order to get a few excellent shots. Well here is why....
You really really really want this picture.......
Awwwww soooooo cute
what happens is
You end up getting 100 pictures just like this one.....

You can't make us say "CHEESE!"
OH how puppies LOVE to turn away at the last second!
Persistence (and lots and lots and lots of photos) does pay off in the end

okay can take my portrait shot

And when they both look at the camera at the same time....
Awwwwww! Success!!!!!!!

There is always one puppy who is willing to pose
Isn't he adorable?!
(If you look really closely, you can see his brother is facing the wrong way)
 if you wait long enough......
Three puppies posing at once!
Happy Puppy Picture day!

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