Thursday, March 1, 2012

Poor Mr. Yesteryear Acres

Mr. Yesteryear Acres is sick, sick, sick. Not the "I don't feel well and wish I could just rest" sick, but instead he is for REAL sick. The "We better go to Urgent Care" sick. I took him this afternoon and he has an upper respiratory infection, bronchitis and his bronchial tubes are so infected that his airway is constricted. The doctor gave him antibiotics, inhalers, expectorants, and a nasal spray. He is flat out sick. I have been running back and forth taking care of him, making runs to the pharmacy, Urgent Care, picking up my son from track, running to the vet's office....I haven't sat down all day. I have been doing all Mr. Yesteryear Acres work AND my work. It looks like tonight will be a late night too. We have a expectant mommy doggie that just started breathing REALLY hard.......looks like puppies will be here soon! Sleep?  Who needs sleep?  Looks like an all-nighter here at Yesteryear Acres!!!!!!


  1. Yay!!! Which Mommy is it? Oh I wish I could come watch!! Give whichever mama it is a big hug for me!! Good Luck... keep us all posted!!!!

  2. I sure hope he feels better soon ! Poor guy. Lola sure needs him too, but thank goodness for you. Keep us posted.


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