Sunday, March 4, 2012

Looking Up

Ahhhhhh. Things are looking up!  Mr. Yesteryear Acres is UP and off the couch!  He can breathe!  He can stand up!  He can walk!  He can WORK!  YIPPEEE!  He just started feeling better this morning and I can already feel the dark cloud lifting around here.  I even got COFFEE this morning!!!!  Mr. Yesteryear Acres has been too sick to make coffee all week long and I have been forced to drink...INSTANT! ACK!  My day is immensely better already! COFFEEEEEE! YAY! Our doggie is doing SO much better today too!  She got up, ate a bowl of food, drank about 2 pints of water, went potty outside and is back in the house with her tail wagging and is just feeling sooooooo much better! We all just walk by her with the BIGGEST smiles and can't stop petting her.  Her tail has been wagging non-stop all morning.  And if the day seemed like it couldn't get better....big snowflakes started falling from the sky making everything beautiful AND.....puppies are on the way!!!!!  Tomorrow's blog post will have newborn puppy pictures!!!!!!!!! Now let's see...will it be boy, boy, boy, boy? Stay tuned!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!!!! So happy all is well on the home front 8-) Suspense is killing me!!!!! Which Mama is in Labor?? Either way I CANNOT WAIT to see some pup pics!!! Keep us all posted!!! Congrats & sending good vibes your way!!


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