Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Global Pet Expo Pictures

I finally got my pictures synced to my computer from my trip to the Global Pet Expo.  I learned a TON and have already started using some of the tips! Here are a few pictures from my trip:
The Global Pet Expo was huge! I took this picture while standing in the middle - there was just so much to see!

This doggie is a retired Army Veteran.  He is a hero doggie!!!!

Of course I had to play with the puppies.  I play with puppies every day at home and even still - the second I saw the puppies I was so excited.  "OH PUPPIES! YAY!"  They were super cute and so sweet!

I was invited to meet Cesar Milan's doggies.  I am petting his pit bull companion "Junior" and I have one doggie behind me that just loved me. They were a sweet bunch.

Cesar did a doggie treadmill demonstration.  Maybe I should train one of my Yesteryear Acres Doodles to walk with me on my treadmill! 

I think the person that took this picture for me wasn't too happy that I got invited to go up on stage with Cesar.  She begrudgingly took the picture. It might just be the worst picture ever! LOL. I think she shook my camera on purpose. In any case - you can tell that I was there.  I had a nice chat with him too. He was super excited about the launch of his new dog products.
Here I am with a few of my Labradoodle Breeder friends.  We shared a lot of information and everyone learned something new.  I am so glad I went!
Thanks my sweet doodle friends!!!!

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