Saturday, February 2, 2013


Mr. Yesteryear Acres and I finally made it home safe and sound.  Our car looks like a frozen popsicle! The entire sides of the car are frozen with over an inch of ice. We definitely went through some interesting weather on the way home.  I am not sure who ordered the frigid temperatures with biting winds and lots of snow - but IT IS COLD outside! I am pretty sure we all can agree - we got a real winter this year!  The doodle doggies were all so excited to see us when we got home.  We got a real tail-wagging welcome complete with whimpers of delight.  I think that may have been the longest Mr. Yesteryear Acres has been gone and the doggies really missed him the most.  They all looked at him like, "HEY! You never go out!!!!  WHERE WERE YOU?!"  We have lots to do to catch up around here and tonight.....OUR OWN BED TO SLEEP IN! YAY!  Nothing feels better than being home.  So glad we made it!

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