Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Walking in a Snowglobe

The snow was so pretty yesterday that I decided instead of walking on my treadmill, in the comfort of my warm house, I would put on my snow gear and walk outside.  It was a great decision.  The snow was falling during my entire walk and it felt as though I were walking in a snowglobe.  I really love winter and taking the time out of my day to appreciate the beauty of our snowy Yesteryear Acres was definitely a highlight. I got my exercise in AND got to be surrounded by my winter wonderland.
This is back by our garden

Hard to imagine that in just 3 more months, over 100 tomato plants will be in the ground

Our pond

Even though I am stopping to take lots of pictures....I am totally getting my workout in!  

Only one small spot in the pond is still not frozen
Our horses running up to see Mr. Yesteryear Acres

And this is what was waiting for me back by the house.  Mr. Yesteryear Acres is always leaving love notes in the snow for me.  This was a "Good Workout Loveshine".  Awwww. Best reward of all!

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