Friday, July 25, 2014

Heart-filled Sandwich

Mr. Yesteryear Acres and I were lucky enough to have one delicious last meal before leaving Las Vegas.  We LOVE food and there are so many top chefs with restaurants in Las Vegas, the choices are mouth-watering delicious.  I think we spent more time reading all the menus online and thinking about where to go to eat than we actually spent eating at the restaurant.  We had fun deciding where to eat our last meal. Every time we pulled up a menu, we both said, “Oh let’s go there!”  We finally made up our mind and headed out for our feast.  Our meal didn’t disappoint!  It was beyond delicious.  I savored every bite and finally, could not take one bite more.  I had a half a sandwich left and since we were heading to the airport – there was no reason to save it. I was so sad to leave such heavenliness behind!  That is when Mr. Yesteryear Acres suggested that the restaurant wrap up my sandwich so that we could give it to one of the hungry homeless people we passed along our way to the restaurant.  We walked by an astonishing number of people looking for food and I was so glad Mr. Yesteryear Acres thought of that!!!!  The restaurant wrapped up my sandwich and put it in a delightful carry bag and we headed out the door.  I passed a woman with a sign that said, “Hungry, Anything would help”.  I gave her my bag and I got the biggest smile and thank you that I think I have ever received.  Her eyes glistened with appreciation as she hugged the bag while she thanked me.  I felt so happy giving her that sandwich that I wish I had saved the whole thing!  I will not forget to do that whenever I go out next time. I think I will order one for me – and one to give away. Helping someone always feels a million times nicer than helping yourself. Thank you Mr. Yesteryear Acres. You always have the very best ideas!!!!!

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