Sunday, October 19, 2014

You can't change a calendar!

This wait....this... pretty much still night time/almost morning, I got up to help Mr. Yesteryear Acres get the puppy mobile ready.  Last night I went to bed so late so when the alarm went off at O'Dark-Thirty, I felt like I had just closed my eyes. The puppy mobile had to leave when the only bright object in the sky was the moon.  Mr. Yesteryear Acres was the lucky puppy delivery guy this morning.  The reason he was the chosen one is simple.  His name was on the calendar!  Way back when I made the calendar on October 1st, I knew about the puppy delivery day.  So I wrote his name on the calendar.  It clearly said, "Mr. Yesteryear Acres, Puppy Delivery Day, October 19th."  So obviously I couldn't be the one to make the 12 hour journey today.  My name wasn't on the calendar!  Mr. Yesteryear Acres accused me of trickery - but that just isn't true.  His name has clearly been on the calendar all month long. You can't change a calendar! So even though I clearly would have gone - my name wasn't there.  So now, as Mr. Yesteryear Acres makes the long drive home all alone........I think I will make a bowl of popcorn! And eat the whole bowl! Sorry Mr. Yesteryear Acres!  Don't worry, I know my name will be next!!!!!  Travel Safely!

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