Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Most Important Meal of the Day

Until I reached the ripe old age of 46 - I never ate breakfast. Never.  I don't particularly like breakfast foods and stopped eating breakfast rather early in life.  I woke up, went about my morning with a cup of coffee, and waited for lunchtime to roll around before I would eat.  Well then I went to a medical health facility where I took classes in nutrition and lo and behold - breakfast is actually a really important meal. One of the nutritionists/exercise physiologists asked me to try to eat breakfast for one month.  She would be happy if I just ate one bite of peanut butter or one spoonful of cottage cheese or a small handful of nuts.  Just eat something healthy.  And so I did. And of course, it didn't take long until I realized that breakfast was important.  I was able to make nutritionally sound lunch choices.  I wasn't ravenous mid-day.  I was also able to control my weight which really surprised me because I was ADDING a meal.  Since my breakfast discovery, I have been really good at eating breakfast every day.  It has been 3 years of eating breakfast and while it is far from my favorite meal of the day, I do eat it.  Some mornings I have a sad look on my face as I force myself to eat a bowl of cereal or cup of cottage cheese. This morning however, I had a huge smile on my face because I had a DELICIOUS breakfast! Mr. Yesteryear Acres made me a bowl of Steel Cut Oats with baked bananas and fresh blueberries. Oh my gosh!  My eyes almost watered with tears of happiness when I took that first bite.  It was that good.  Hey.  Maybe breakfast isn't so bad after all!

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