Sunday, November 9, 2014

Nov 9 - Thankful for Kid Fun

Despite the fact that my kids are no longer little kids, we all still love to do "little kid things".  My older daughter loves to color.  If I were to put a box of crayons in front of her and a coloring book - she would be in heaven for hours.  My younger daughter loves to play board games and she is just a most awesome partner in any game. My son is always up for playing with the Doodle Doggies, or going outside for a game of catch or disc golf. All 3 of my children never lost the love of playing. The simple, joyful, no purpose whatsoever, except for the pure enjoyment and fun of the moment. I love that.  I love being a part of that.  I love coloring and playing games and playing outside and well just about anything my kids like to do.  I love that even though my kids grew older, we still have so much fun doing all the same things we used to do when they were little. I am eternally thankful for all the fun times we spend together. Last weekend we finally had time to carve the pumpkins my son grew this summer.
He saved the perfect pumpkin for Bri to carve

Of course it is vital to save every pumpkin seed!

My son's Yesteryear Acres Pumpkin

Bri's Heart Pumpkin

They look even better with the candles!

It might be November - but Heart Pumpkins last all season long!


And my favorite part! Mmmmmm.  I think we ate all the pumpkin seeds in record time this year!
I hope my kids never outgrow their love of kid fun. I know I never will!

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