Saturday, February 7, 2015

Oh look! Another present!

For some unknown reason, Mother Nature decided that after the seemingly unending wicked below freezing temperatures, today would be an ideal day to make it so warm that our backyard is now soup.  Muddy, drippy, sludgy soup.  The kind of muddy soup that doodle doggies and puppies dream of.  The kind of sloshy, drippy, muddy soup that says, "Come play!"  I have spend most of the day corralling the puppies into the remaining snow spots and keeping them out of the sludgy spots while telling the older doggies to please stop frolicking in the mud.  Their faces all say, "WHY?!  THIS IS SO MUCH FUN!" All I can say is thank goodness I have my rain pants on!  At least I can stay reasonably clean and dry.  If that weren't enough fun, I have also been on poop patrol all day.  There seem to be many hidden "treasures" under all that snow.  Treasures that were somehow missed with the past snowfalls.  Now that the snow is melting, it is up to me to remove all the mushy treasures from our backyard.  I know you wish you were here to have all the fun with the muddy doodle romping and treasure finding, but alas, this is a party for one.  Oh look!  Another present! Aren't I the luckiest!!!

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