Sunday, February 8, 2015

Day Off!?!

Last night Mr. Yesteryear Acres and I agreed that today, we would take the day off.  We have been working non-stop and a day off sounded like the most heavenly thing imaginable. As we were talking about our entire day off, where we would do absolutely nothing, we started adding in the "except for" part of our day.  For example, "Let's do absolutely nothing, except for taking care of the puppies."  And - "Let's take the day off, except for the farm chores."  And, "We won't do anything, except for taking the doodle puppies and doggies for a walk." We decided that first thing this morning we would watch an entire TV show, from start to finish to kick off our day off.  Well..........Let's see......So far, on our day off....... We have cleaned all the vacuum filters, changed all the puppy bedding, did all the farm chores, washed all the doggie blankets, mixed all the doggie food, taken care of all the puppies, fixed a broken circuit breaker, went to a watch repair shop to get a movement replaced on a broken watch, went to the warehouse club to take back a broken set of worklights, went to another warehouse club to pick up eye glasses and dog food, cleaned out the refrigerator, cleaned the cat boxes, gathered all the dirty laundry, vacuumed the kitchen, vacuumed the porch, did more loads of wash, gathered all the trash and took it to the road, cleaned the gravel out of the grass from all the snow shoveling, and much, much, much more.  It is now dinner time and ANY minute now, we will take that day off.  We will watch that one hour TV show from start to finish.  Oh look - the dishwasher needs emptied!  Another successful Yesteryear Acres day off!  I feel so rested!

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