Tuesday, February 17, 2015

I Blame the Gremlins

These past few weeks have been super busy and all this frigid weather has been adding more to our To-Do list each day.  I think it is fair to say that my housekeeping skills have suffered during this past month.  Not that I was lying around and taking it easy, but my "Clean The House Thursday" schedule has been more like, "Clean the house NEXT Thursday."  I just haven't had any free time.  Well evidently, we have Gremlins because today was the first day that I didn't have 1,000 things to do and I decided to pick up the house.  Everywhere I looked - things were a mess.  There is no way that 3 people could make this big of a mess. We must have Gremlins. I realize that we need snow boots, snow gloves, snow bibs, snow pants, snow hats, snow scarves, extra layers, snow socks and then of course an entirely new dry replacement of all the above but our winter outerwear is everywhere.  Our winter gear is on the radiators and the dining room chairs and the coat racks and the kitchen stools.  It is a colossal mass of winter gear.  I blame the Gremlins.  We would never make this big of a mess! In addition the Gremlins must have been hiding all the laundry that needs to be washed because this morning, a mountain of dirty clothes appeared. How could I possibly have that much laundry to do?  The Gremlins also created quite a mess right next to Mr. Yesteryear Acres chair where they must have enjoyed some popcorn last night because there is no way Mr. Yesteryear Acres could have missed his mouth that many times.  I blame the Gremlins.  We are no way responsible for this mess.  Thankfully I had time to correct this atrocity. Everything is now neat and tidy. At this exact second, the house looks great.
Dear Horrid Gremlins,
I am going to have to ask you to refrain from eating popcorn with Mr. Yesteryear Acres and also if you could be so kind as to not return, it would be much appreciated. Thank you.
The very neat and tidy
Yesteryear Acres Family

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