Saturday, April 11, 2015

A Good Day was had by All

Today was just one of those days where everyone had an awesome day.  The sun was shining, the spring air felt wonderful and good things happened all day long.  Today was Birdie's puppy visit day so from early this morning until dinner time we had puppy families here playing with the puppies.  The puppies just had the very best day ever.  They got snuggled and hugged and loved all day long.  They also had several good chase games with kids which always brings smiles to both the puppies and the kids. Tonight the puppies will be sleeping like babies.  They are tuckered out!  Mr. Yesteryear Acres and my son were gone for most of the day as my son had a very important scholarship interview from 11am-4pm scheduled for today. I am happy to report, that the interview went really well and tonight he was called and offered the scholarship! We are super proud of him and he is super proud of himself as well!  That is a job well done and makes my son even more reassured that the Agricultural Systems Management program is exactly where he should be. Tonight Mr. Yesteryear Acres made his special hamburgers to celebrate and later tonight we will top the evening off with ice cream sundaes. I think it goes without saying that today at Yesteryear Acres, a good day was had by all!!!!

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