Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Take the Time

I have a couple of friends that have been facing some health crises in their families. Whenever I hear about someone losing a loved one or potentially facing their own demise, my heart fills with a sadness I cannot hold. This morning I had tears overflowing when I read about a friend's tragic loss. I am heartbroken for her. Always, always, always, take the time to tell those you love that they are important.  Tell them they matter.  Tell them why they mean so much to you.  Never hold back. Leave nothing unsaid. One of the things I am most certain of - is that if something should happen to me - every single person I love knows without a doubt how much I love them.  They know that they are the reason for my heartfelt smile every morning and they are the reason for my grateful smile each evening. I tell Mr. Yesteryear Acres every day how much I love and appreciate him.  I tell my children how proud I am of them and how much happiness they bring to me. I live each day trying to show my appreciation and gratefulness and to share my happiness with others. Life can be short. It should never be taken for granted. Treasure each day and make each day count.  Every day is a blessing.  I make sure to greet each day with a grateful heart and I am thankful for every day and especially grateful to be surrounded by so much love and happiness.  To all my family and friends...... I love you.

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