Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Thinking Inside the Box

 This morning at Yesteryear Acres, we were stuck inside due to a torrential downpour. Austin and I were thinking of all the things we could do to be productive. Of course, our every day normal work came first. Such as feeding all the doodle doggies and puppies, cleaning up the resulting doggie and puppy poop, and making sure everyone had fresh water to drink. I even had time to water the garden! (Thanks Mother Nature) But, after all of that was done, we sat down to have a little fun with our new kitty, Cricket. She's a rambunctious kitten and is always finding something new to get into. We decided we were going to make her a kitty fort that she could run around and play in as her heart desired.
Who knew that one cardboard box could keep a kitten entertained so well. 
Soon after, Olive and Cricket started playing Telephone. 
"Thanks Olive, that sure was fun!"
What started as one fort, quickly expanded into an elaborate maze entertaining doodle doggies and kitties alike. 
After hours of endless play, Cricket and Blossom were both worn out. 
As she snuggled up next to Blossom, we all agreed that Cricket fits in perfect here at Yesteryear Acres.

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