Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Goslings & Fawns- Best Buddies

Late this afternoon, Mr. Yesteryear Acres and I watched our twin baby fawns play with our goslings.  It was the cutest sight.  The fawns were leaping and running and zooming back and forth from the pond to their mom who was on the edge of the woods.  The fawns kept getting a little bit further and further each time they ventured out. The goslings were so interested in the fawns that they left their parents and climbed up the bank and out of the pond.  As soon as the fawns saw the goslings - they all started playing together.  The goslings were flapping their wings trying to become airborne while the fawns danced all around. The goslings would really get their wings going as they started running downhill and then just for a fraction of a second, they were flying.  The goslings kept practicing their runway flight session with the fawns cheering them on.  They played like this for a good 15 minutes before the Mommy deer called her babies back into the woods.  As soon as the fawns disappeared, the goslings went back into the water to join their parents.  The fun was officially over.  I bet they can't wait for their playdate again tomorrow!

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