Friday, July 8, 2016


Well, I was quite wrong in my estimation as to when Mr. Yesteryear Acres would come inside to celebrate his birthday. I believed that I was generous when I said 10:00pm because surely he would be inside long before then.  Wrong!  What time did he finally come inside????? 11:52pm.  That is right.  We had exactly 8 minutes to celebrate his birthday! Luckily, I am well-versed in the "I MUST WORK WORK WORK" behavior of Mr. Yesteryear Acres and I was well prepared for the day.
I got up early to surprise Mr. Yesteryear Acres with a birthday breakfast complete with homemade buttermilk biscuits.
We then planted his birthday Magnolia Trees

Can't wait to see them bloom next spring! 
And while Mr. Yesteryear Acres mowed (all day long), I began making his mini pies.  That way he can carry his dessert with him when he works outside!


and cherry!
And we all waited for him to sit down and enjoy his birthday dinner and birthday presents.....even if it was almost midnight.
Mr. Yesteryear Acres said it was the perfect day.
Gotta love him!
Glad you loved your day!

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