Friday, July 22, 2016

Rocking the Bunny Slippers

Late last night my mom was nice enough to drive all the way to Yesteryear Acres to pick me up. We had a very early flight to catch this morning and this saved Mr. Yesteryear Acres from waking up at 3:00am to get me to the airport on time. We decided we would have a pajama party at her house and make the most of our early morning wake up call. In fact, I ended up just wearing my pajamas to my mom's house.  Why not?! This morning upon awaking, I immediately knew the answer to "Why not?"
Guess who rocked the bunny slippers today?!

I am sure it is all the fashion rage in Paris!
I did get quite a few strange looks.  Half the people who walked by me gave me a disgusted look and set about whispering what I can only imagine was, "Can you believe that woman wore SLIPPERS to the airport?!" Even my own sister wanted to know if I was 5 years old when she saw this picture.  I had quite a few heads turn with eyes wide open in shock.  The other half of the people who walked by me gave me thumbs up, and high fives, and "I wish I had on my slippers" and "You Go Girl!"  I like that half.  They are my kind of people.
The bunny slippers enjoyed their flight.

They were the best of travelers and the very best work companions.  Everyone should try to rock the bunny slippers.  My feet were cozy and warm and might I add....quite fashionable and then some!

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