Monday, July 25, 2016

Marmalade Monday

Marmalade's Double Doodle Puppies are big butterballs of love.  They just love everything about life and their tails are always wagging.  They are a happy, loving, tail-wagging, lovable bunch!
"Alright everybody! Time for a potty break!"

"Like this?'
"This looks like a good spot"

"Time to explore"


"This grass feels so soft"

"I love playing outside"

"Pssst.....I love you"

"This is the life"

"Time for kisses!"


"Earlobe Kiss!"


Good puppies!

"Can I have a belly rub?"

"Can I go next?"

"Awwww feels so good"

"That was great"

"Yay! It is snuggle time!"

"Napping with my bestest buddy"

"I love afternoons like this"

1 comment:

  1. I'll bet it's a lot of work but the reward looks worth it


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