Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thank you for a house full of people I love. Amen

Happy Thanksgiving Day! The thing that I am most grateful for in this world, the thing that brings the most pleasure, the thing that fills my soul and makes me complete is my family.  My family means more to me than anything. They are my greatest happiness. Today and every day I am so thankful for my family.  Here at Yesteryear Acres we celebrated Thanksgiving all day long. We were surrounded by love and gave thanks for all we have been given.  My older daughter made it home from the Marine Corps late last night and I joyfully said goodnight to my son and my younger daughter and my older daughter as they all climbed into their very own beds in their very own rooms. The Yesteryear Acres Party of Five was complete! Together we have spent our Thanksgiving Day caring for doodle puppies and doodle doggies and cooking cooking cooking.  Tonight we had our huge Thanksgiving Meal and everything was perfect.  We were surrounded by family and spent hours at the dinner table laughing until we cried.  I feel complete. Thank you for a house full of people I love.  Amen.

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