Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The One About The Hat...

As you know my brother and mom recently went on a road trip looking at different colleges my brother was interested in. And I am happy they went, I really am, but I am also extremely upset. You see I really like hats, and I mean ALL hats. Actually scratch that, I love hats! In fact when my brother came to visit me at college we looked at all the different hats for about an hour. So I know that he knows that I love hats! And do you know what he did? Well I will tell you what he did... he bought the most perfect hat ever and HE WILL NOT GIVE IT TO ME!!! He keeps saying its his hat and he bought it with his own money and I have never even seen this college, and I already go to school blah blah blah. Well he is wrong! This hat and I belong together and to prove my point I am creating this blog to convince my brother why this hat rightfully belongs with me. So oh dear brother this blog is dedicated to you.

The love for this hat started on this day... I tried it on to convince myself it was just another hat, but to  no avail it was THE PERFECT HAT!!

So today I might have umm borrowed (yes let's go with borrowed) my brother's hat to show him why we belong together. And I documented this journey with pictures of course! What says it better than pictures?!?

And before you get mad... give the hat some liberty to decide its own adventures!

Look Austin the hat goes with my souvenir teddy bear from Ireland! They want to go back to school with me. And you can't get mad at a teddy bear in a sweater!!

The hat wanted me to tell you all the things it would like to help me with...

It wants to help me keep my summer journal...

The hat wants to help me make your favorite cookies.... mmm who doesn't like cookies!?

It really wants to go running with me... It wants to help me go faster

The hat also wants to help me recover after I die from taking up running faster... See the hat knows I am actually a swimmer and is helping me cope with the terrain changes. Aww isn't it a thoughtful hat!!


Are you convinced yet!?! No?? Okay, I didn't want to do this to you, but here comes the best convincing one yet.... you ready?!?!


See it even helps me fold your laundry! Just look how crisply those shirts are folded! I know I know that is GREAT!! Now you are just dying to give me your hat right?!? 

I might even convince the hat to help me put away your laundry in your room... and maybe even clean your room!! What about that!?!? Well dearest brother... Can I keep it?!?!?! PLEEEEAAASEEE!!!! :):)

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