Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Heading South

This morning we started our day with a very soggy hike up a mountain in Vermont.  When I say very soggy, I mean there were literally ponds and rivers all along the hiking path and everytime you stepped on the squishy gushy muddy trail, your shoes filled up with muddy water and squished between your toes. About halfway through the hike, I kind of wanted to turn around and go back to my sister's house and put on dry socks and dry clothes. The gushy mushy trail full of mud and decaying leaves wasn't exactly the adventure I was hoping for. Of course I didn't give up and my son and sister and I made it to the top of the mountain in record time. The view at the top made the soaked trail all worth it.  Despite the rain and fog - the mountain vista was still beautiful.  After we got back to my sister's house and dried off, my son and I packed up the car and headed south. It was sad to say goodbye as our visit was so short but The United States Military Academy was waiting for us in West Point, New York.  Out of all the colleges on our college road trip, this is the one we are most excited for.  We decided to save the best for last.  Tomorrow morning my son has an interview scheduled for first thing in the morning and we can't wait.  West Point - HERE WE COME!


  1. West Point really is an impressive place! I was glad my Alex got a chance to go there for a while. I developed such an admiration for the cadets. You have to let us know what your son thinks of it. I didn't know they did interviews there. I am jealous of your relationship with your son. I had that with my Matthew and miss it terribly. Enjoy!!

    1. Thanks Marian! I treasure every second with my son! He loved West Point. It is so beautiful there!!!!


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